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REACH 1.0 – Lebanon Bicycle Recycle Project Evaluation

Public Health Challenge

In a 2017 Report; the researcher looks at bicycling practices and bicycle environment preference of Blacks and Hispanics were different from Whites. After surveying 1537 households, the data showed that Hispanic/Latino riders preferred to ride with family and friends, preferred cycling tracks and trails and preferred to travel on their bicycle when their car was not available. www. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211335517300062#bb0130

In the City of Lebanon, an increase in obesity rates and diabetes among the Hispanic and Latino population is on the rise. According to the 2021 Penn State Health Community Needs Assessment 44% of respondents reported being told they are overweight or obese, up from 41% in 2018.Two large contributors to obesity include lack of exercise and poor diet. Race and ethnicity are significantly associated with health disparities related to access and conditions. With over 11,000 Hispanic residents in Lebanon City, it is vital to fund projects that will impact the Hispanic and Latino community and their physical activity needs.22% of Hispanic/Latino respondents had diabetes compared to 16% of non- Hispanic/Latinos.

From our Community conversations and information from the Community Schools staff at both the Northwest School and Lebanon Middle School, cycling was identified as am important activity among the Hispanic/Latino community. With access to safe bikes, the youth could increase their physical activity and transportation creating more community clinical linkages.

Safety also remains most important to cyclist, safe corridors for travel is a priority.


  1. We are currently conducting a Cycling survey to establish areas and corridors where cycling is prevalent.
  2. The Lebanon Bicycle Recycle (LBR) has begun to collect bikes through donation. Using volunteer mechanic and mostly recycled parts, the bikes are being repaired.
  3. LBR works with Penn State Health Trauma Specialist for helmets and safety training at our workshops and events.
  4. The downtown location offers easy access to the workshop for repair of bikes, or a program to earn a bike with safety training.
  5. LBR and the team at Lebanon Valley Bike Coalition also advocates for safety studies for bike lanes and programs/rides to model responsible ridership in the City.
  6. GOAL is to place at least 50 bikes to new riders this year with proper helmets and locks.

Our collaborators were:

  • Lebanon Valley Bike Coalition
  • Penn State College of Medicine REACH project
  • Lebanon Valley Mountain Bike Club

Our resource collection included visits and meetings with Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg, Ross Willard and Adriana Atencio at The Common Wheel in Lancaster.

With the support of a Penn State Community Grant and a Penn State Sponsorship, Lebanon Bicycle Recycle was able to secure a space, collect over 100 bikes, and outfit a workshop with tools and supplies.


  1. We have trained 18 volunteers to be bike mechanics
  2. 100 hours of training time
  3. Built a Facebook following of 175 people
  4. Developed a website, email and Facebook page for LBR

The Open House held 3/19 hosted two television stations, 2 radio spots, Lebanon Daily News, LebTown and Q’Hubo news.

Sustainable Success

The program began in November 2021, since LBR has purchased a trailer and debuted in the Lebanon Holiday Parade. In December, they secured a workshop and storage space at St. James Lutheran Church, 53 Chestnut Street, Lebanon. By February they conducted 5 weeks of volunteer mechanic training. Now open every Monday, LBR continues to collect bikes, repair bikes and prepares for distribution at local schools.

Lebanon Valley Bike Coalition along with the Penn State REACH project continues to work collaboratively on two bike lane safety studies, installation of 6 trail counters, 1 bike safety traffic garden at Wengert Park and Bike Advocacy in the community. Lebanon Valley Bike Coalition hope to release an updated Biking Guide for Visitors in Summer 2022.



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